Wednesday, October 17, 2012

assessment day two

We made it through the second day of assessment with a lot of tears. These appointments were mostly interviews and information-sharing about the realities of re-transplant. Re-transplants are rare for a number of reasons. The risks often outweigh the benefits for a large percentage of possible candidates. The statistics and survival rates are less than reassuring (and that is a significant understatement). There are always exceptions. James and I need to believe that he will be one of those exceptions. It is the only way to cope and get through the days.

It will be at least two to three weeks before a decision is made about James' acceptance or rejection for re-transplant. The third possible outcome is that James may qualify for a second double lung transplant, but it may be deemed too early for re-transplant. It is a team decision, but James and I have been told consistently in the last few weeks that he is a good candidate for re-transplant. The hope is that he will qualify for transplant, and be able to survive long enough for an appropriate match to be found. The highest and most acute risks will be during the surgery and in the immediate post-transplant recovery period. We can expect a lot more complications and a longer hospital admission. 

All that being said, James and I have no reason to believe that he won't make it. (We truly can't let ourselves think otherwise). He has enough strength for both of us, along with a positive attitude and a hopeful resolve. We will get through the decision-making process, wait as long as necessary for an appropriate match to be found, and James will survive a successful second double-lung transplant. We will be given the incredible gift of more time together. The limitations on that time may weigh heavily on my mind (and in my heart), but I am grateful for each day I still get to hold his hand and hear his voice. James is here right now. We need that to be our focus.

Please register to be an organ donor. There is a significant lack of available organs in Canada. A very small percentage of individuals die in a way that will allow for organ donation. I believe it is less than 1% of potential organ donors are eligible for organ donation at the time of death. Of that small percentage, every single organ donor can save up to 8 lives. Organ donors can also improve the lives of up to a seventy-five more individuals through bone, muscle and tissue donation. The first step is to talk to your family and friends. Open the dialogue. Registration is easy at (Ontario) and (British Columbia).

According to The Gift of 8 Movement, Toronto's registration rate is 13%. Thornhill and Vaughan are also lacking at 9%. There is also some great information available on the Trillium Gift of Life Network and the RecycleMe.Org.

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