Friday, April 5, 2013

why not James?

Re-transplants have a very high mortality and morbidity rate. These transplants would not be done without a hope for success (and previous positive outcomes), but there is a precarious risks versus benefits balance. It is more complex than finding a perfect match of blood type and size. James truly needs a perfect set of lungs. The surgeons will not accept a set of lungs that have any damage or exposure to infections for James, because James is already immunosuppressed and at high risk of bleeding (from scar tissue and ECMO). This further narrows the already limited donor pool to search for an appropriate match.

There is also a serious shortage of available organs for donation. We need to open the dialogue. We need to bring these issues into the public consciousness. Please talk to your family and friends. James and I are among 1,500 Ontarians awaiting a life-saving transplant. One person dies every three days awaiting transplant. We have seen many deaths in the last few months. No one should die waiting for an organ donation.


  1. Thank you for this info. I have wondered why it is taking longer to get those new lungs for James. It makes sense but it must be very hard for the two of you to see other transplants done ,while you wait, even though you wish the others well. Hugs and prayers to the both of you. Try to stay as positive as possible.I think of you every day,first thing I do when I wake up in the morning is to go on the computer to see if James is in the operating room.xoxoDonna.

  2. Hi Adena and James,

    As I continue to follow your story, I'm more and more in awe of your strength and resilience.
    I wish that perfect set of lungs comes soon.
    Keep up this good spirit, you guys are an inspiration to all of us!

    Lots of love,


  3. We have also seen many others receiving their lungs too this past week. May James comes soon!!
