Monday, December 3, 2012


The last few days have been important reminders of the passage of time, and the precious value of that time together. James and I were married five months ago, and for the first of these monthly anniversaries, James and I were able to celebrate our love for each other outside of the hospital. We have also been in Toronto for more than three months now, and James has been officially listed for re-transplant for the last month. These later acknowledgements come with a longing for home, and an indescribable ache for a distant dream. We mark these passages in celebration and gratitude for life, and of course, for one another, but it is impossible to lose sight of the fact that are lives are still on hold. We hope for a future together that moves beyond simply being in the moment, but for now, James and I go through the motions of one moment to the next, always, in celebration and gratitude.

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