Tuesday, March 31, 2015

brief check-in

James and I no longer post in the blog on a regular basis. There are a lot of different reasons, but I don't feel compelled to go into details. Most importantly, James and I are living our lives. We still update Facebook on a regular basis, and James has been writing a lot with hopes of future publication, but I am relieved to return to a focus on living our best lives. We still cope with the realities of Cystic Fibrosis (and transplant-related concerns), but it consumes a very small part of our day to day lives. We welcome the change with gratitude and awe. I still marvel at James' resilience. Everything feels possible again. It is wonderful. Thank you for following along in our journey. We appreciate the poke here and there to update, but I assure you, James and I are well. Our absence on the blog is a sign of health.